Youth Leadership Development

There is a need for practical life skills to be taught within our schools which should incorporate leadership development. Half of the world’s population and workforce comprise of Millennials and Generation Zers, who have not been exposed to leadership training with a unique focus on values. Our Youth Leadership Development program has adopted the iLead curriculum by John C. Maxwell which is values-based, giving students an opportunity to practice every value to achieve positive change in their homes, in their schools, followed by their workspaces and the world. 

iLead consists of three volumes, iChoose, iDo and iLead, each inspired by the leadership philosophies of author, speaker, coach and leader, Dr. John C. Maxwell. Every volume contains 32 lesson parts divided into 4 units. The intention is for teachers to oversee and supervise the discussion, however, students will facilitate their weekly in-person or virtual small groups called Transformation Tables. This method of facilitation enables students to practice their emerging leadership skills while encouraging connection and inclusivity through a peer-to-peer environment. Students develop better relationships with their peers, discover their voice and take action to lead themselves in alignment with good values. 

Adult volunteers will first give students an anonymous pre-content assessment. Then, they will train the students on facilitation using iLead’s Student Facilitator’s Guide.

The volunteers will assist students in forming groups of four to eight members. Students will take turns facilitating after each lesson part. While in-person lessons are preferred, they can also be conducted virtually, with each session lasting 45 to 60 minutes.

According to the iLead curriculum creators, each lesson begins with teachings aimed at self-reflection and concludes with an action step. Students commit to one action step each week, implement it, and share their progress. After completing each unit of iLead, volunteers will administer a short post-assessment to evaluate the program’s effectiveness

  • If you would like to be a part of this program, register to be a Volunteer today!  Put a Register button (for Volunteer) which says “Kindly register to be a Volunteer Today!”.When they click on the button, it should take the user to volunteer registration form. 
  • If you would like to have the iLead Program done with your children/school, click the contact us button. Put a Contact us button that leads to the Contact us Tab.

How to get Started?

If you would like to be a part of this program, register to be a Volunteer Today & If you would like to have the iLead Program done with your children/school, click the contact us button


Discover what students have to say about their experience with the iLEAD program